Dhrystone for Palm OS (with ARM native support)

This is a Dhrystone benchmark implementation for the Palm OS platform. This implementation supports ARM-native benchmarking (Also works on 68k Palm).



version 2.1pa0 (2011-01-30) binary (zip) source (tar.bz2) Creator ID="Dhry", takes 19 KB on your Palm

The binary was compiled with PRC-Tools GCC 3.3.1, with -O3 for 68k kernel, -O3 -mcpu=arm9tdmi for ARM kernel. This program contains Peal: Palm ELF ARM Loader. See the README for license restrictions.


If you benchmarked a machine that is not listed here, or got significantly different performance from the listed one, please send your result to davy at nyacom dot net or davy14008500 at users dot sourceforge dot net. Your results will be listed here!

MachineYearABIVAX MIPSCPUMHz Palm OSSubmitted byRemarks
Symbol SPT 1500199868K0.680MC68328 163.0.2me 
Palm Zire 712003ARM68.702TI OMAP 310 1445.2.1me 
Palm Zire 71200368K1.970TI OMAP 310 1445.2.1me 


Dhrystone Icon Dhrystone on ARM